For most people, a creaking floor and the soft whispery swish of the hot water heater refilling itself is as haunted as their house will ever sound.

For two Mike and Tricia Mornings listeners, the things they heard and saw turned out to be a bit more supernatural.

To find out if their homes were truly haunted or if there was a reasonable explanation for the footstep-like noises and the mysterious shadows, we acquired the services of Paranormal Research Investigations, a local group of specter-chasing investigators dedicated to finding the truth on alleged paranormal phenomena.

Ramiro Galvan and his group took their briefcases filled with K2 meters, REM Pods and other ghost detecting devices that are supposed to indicate the presence of spirits, and investigated the mysterious activity.

What the crew found in both cases was evidence of, well, let me put it this way: if it's not paranormal it's definitely something not normal. While no ghosts showed up on demand, some very eerie audio and compelling video was recorded.

Paranormal Research Investigations - PRI El Paso
Paranormal Research Investigations - PRI El Paso

Diana's Story

Diana’s west side home was chosen as the location of "Mike & Tricia Mornings 2018 Ghost Hunt My Home” investigation after her compelling submission hinted at possible paranormal activity going on within its walls.

As she tells it, soon after buying their home in west El Paso two years ago Diana began experiencing things she couldn’t explain.

She told us she was hearing the sound of footsteps in the hallway, whispers and murmurings in the bedrooms, and shadows moving furtively – one of which was inadvertently captured by her daughter on her smart phone while filming her room.

Six months after the PRI team detected and documented some strange goings-on, and after psychic medium Dolores Whitaker's spirit cleansing to remove the negative energy from her home, we caught up with Diana to find out what the vibe around her house was like these days.

“We are clear and free," she happily announced. "There is no activity, nothing at all. And most importantly, peace and good rest.”

Mike & Tricia Get an Update from 2018 Ghost Hunt My Home Participant Diana

Samantha's Story

While Samantha's family home was not chosen as the location for "Yo, Mike & Tricia, Ghost Hunt My Home," the presence that appeared to be attached to her was compelling enough that PRI investigated her situation in February of 2019.

That situation included something she was convinced followed her everywhere -- including her guest appearance at our radio show. You can read about and listen to what our microphones captured that morning HERE.

The PRI crew determined the presence of at least 4 spirits, two of which may be related to Samantha, but none believed to be hostile. Because some may be family and because she doesn't feel like any of them mean her any harm, Samantha declined our offer to have her house cleansed.

The Ghostly Audio Recorded at Samantha's Home as Heard on Mike & Tricia Mornings 4/30/19

Paranormal Research Investigations Evidence Video

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