El Paso Zoo ‘Zoofari Nites': Extended Hours, Live Music + Bird Show
Get ready for some summer evening adventures at the El Paso Zoo.
Zoofari Nites, formally known as Zoo after Howlers, will get underway in late June, according to a post on the El Paso Zoo Facebook.
On three Saturdays this summer -- June 22, July 13, and August 10 -- the El Paso Zoo will give guests the opportunity to enjoy zoo activities into the evening. Instead of closing at 5 p.m. as it normally does, the zoo will stay open until 8:30 p.m.
Some of what will happen after hours during each Zoofari Nites includes live entertainment, animal presentations, and a later than usual Wings of the World bird show. All attractions, like the Hunt Family Desert Spring splash pad and Foster Tree House Playground, stay open into the evening.
If you've ever wondered what the animals do after hours, save the date: June 22, July 13, and August 10, 2019.
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