At a remarkable 71 years old, The El Paso Zoo’s beloved Elephant, Savannah’s journey came to an end due to advanced arthritis, leaving zoo staff and visitors in mourning.

The news was shared on the El Paso Zoo’s official Facebook page. According to the post the team at El Paso Zoo spared no effort in Savannah's care. From stem cell therapy to a regimen of oral medications and joint supplements, she received the royal treatment. 

Dr. Victoria Milne, the Chief Veterinarian, reminisced about their 18-year journey together, highlighting Savannah's remarkable participation in her healthcare routines.

Despite her ailments, Savannah remained a social butterfly, engaging in daily exercises, pool soaks, and playful enrichment activities. Her last birthday bash was a community spectacle, complete with a massive cake and a unique raffle featuring her artwork.

"Savannah was more than just an elephant; she was an ambassador for her species," said Zoo Director Joe Montisano, reflecting on her gentle demeanor and remarkable abilities.

Courtesy: El Paso Zoo Facebook
Courtesy: El Paso Zoo Facebook

Savannah's legacy extends beyond the zoo grounds. She played a crucial role in educating the public about elephant conservation, despite surpassing the average life expectancy by leaps and bounds.

Having journeyed from India to various zoos across the U.S., Savannah found her final home in El Paso. The zoo continues to champion elephant conservation efforts, ensuring Savannah's spirit lives on.

Savannah The Elephant

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