Back to School Experiences Current Students Will Never Understand
As the El Paso area still tries to adjust to the Back to School season, those of us who have already done their time in grades 1 - 12 continue to reminisce on the good ol' school days. Depending on the years you spent in school, your memories will probably be slightly different than mine and that is okay. I love to hear about the different classes those who came before me had, the supplies they used and the life lesson they learned.
We took to the KISS El Paso Facebook page to ask listeners, what back to school experience they had, that current students will probably never understand? I am proud to say I understood the majority of the memories but there are a few I never had the pleasure to experience.
KISS Facebook Fan Mireya Armijo brought up carbon copy and I have no idea what that is but I did understand her floppy disk reference. I never used a floppy disk, but I did grow up with them. By the time I was old enough to type things out, we already were saving things on USB.
Lunch was my favorite part of the school day and KISS Facebook Fan Liliana Ledesma brought up a good memory of her lunchtime. She shared how she used to have to stack her lunch tray, instead of disposable ones some use these days.
Reading through all the different memories really takes you back to the times when your biggest issue was getting your homework in on time, what to wear to a dance or the big Friday night game. Take some time to think back to your school experiences and share them with the little ones in your life. Keep the experiences alive, or just give them a hard time about how hard you had it back in the day when there was no Google.