Administrators at Hanks High School were apparently tired of hearing curse words coming out of their student's mouths because they decided to give them some alternatives. A photo of a poster hanging on a wall in Hanks High School went viral because of the funny and silly alternatives to cuss words it had for students to use. Some of them like "motherless puss bucket", and "monkey fluffer", "bull twinkies" and "mother pucker" might not seem all that much better than the curse words they're supposed to replace but they are pretty hilarious. You can check out the full list by clicking here.

amazed young man funny portrait isolated on white background

We decided to ask the Mike and Tricia listeners about the words they use instead of a curse word and some of them were really funny.

anniemommie has a couple of go-to clean curse words:

Me replacing my bad words lol Fudgety fudge fudge Or- Madres! (Spanish lol)

Layla uses a sound to emphasize her clean curse word:

I prolong the use of the letter F and then say Flauta

Pau gave us a couple of phrases to use:

Whenever I can't cuss, I tend to say either "Shut to the front door!" Or "chata flaca!"

side view attractive woman pointing and laughing at someone

Izzy has a classic clean curse word:

Son of a biscuit.

Pretty sure Daniel meant "lint licker" but who am I to say?

You Lent Licker!!

Maria uses the long intro to pretend she's going to say something else:

Shhhhsugar Was my word when my daughter was younger because as you know kids repeat everything

Laughing guy closeup

I'm going to use Christina's holy bologna!

Instead of holy sh!* I say holy meatball or holy bologna

Isela uses a word one of our co-workers uses:

I use Farfetnugen and shnikies

Racho has a bunch of clean curse words:

I say shiitake mushrooms, fudge sicles, and son of a biscuit eating bulldog.

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