El Paso Kids Heading Back To School So Remember These School Zone Traffic Laws
EPISD goes back to school on Monday, August 13. A couple of districts are already in school, and by the end of the month, all El Paso area school districts will be back to class. Kids in school means school zones will be active again, so here are some tips from the EPISD Police Services and TxDOT:
1. Pay attention - Stay off cellphones and watch out for buses and kids.
2. Teach your kids - Parents, remind your kids to cross only in at intersections and designated crosswalks, make eye contact with drivers before crossing, and look before getting out of your vehicle.
3. Speed kills - Make sure you go the speed limit.
4. Don't pass in school zones - Passing means you can't break the plane of the car in front of you. If your car breaks that plane, you could get a ticket. I've gotten a ticket before because the officer said he saw my car accelerate. Just don't pass and follow the speed limit.
5. Don't pass school buses - If a school bus has its stop sign sticking out of the driver's side, you need to stop, no matter what time of day it is.
It's up to kids to look both ways, but as the adult driver, it's imperative that you be aware that kids don't always do that. Pay attention in school zones so everyone has a safe school year.