Watch Drunk Woman Meander Into Traffic on Busy California Interstate
A drunk woman is caught on video stalling out her vehicle in the middle of a California highway and then seen wandering on the freeway with oncoming traffic.
California has its share of crazy drivers but this drunken woman wins hands down.
A news reporter caught a female on video, which is seen stalling out her car in the middle of I-15 in San Diego, CA and then getting out and crossing in and out of traffic.
The woman first relives herself in the middle of the freeway and then wanders out into traffic to approach a news reporter to ask why he’s videotaping her, she is then seen walking away and wandering back to her car where she starts to talk on her phone, completely clueless of the danger that surrounds her.
The reporter and other bystanders continue to try to flag traffic to slow down so they don’t crash into her vehicle and at one point the reporter rushes to her car and bangs on her window begging her to get out of her vehicle before a tragedy ensues, all the while the intoxicated woman just stares blankly at him and continues to use her phone.
This is a definite cautionary tale for anyone who decides to drink and drive. Thank goodness no one was hurt, and we hope she learned her lesson.
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