Check out this handy list of locations where you can dispose of your used cooking oil left over from your Thanksgiving feast.

The Environmental Services Department is making it easy for everyone to recycle their left over Thanksgiving cooking oil. It is never safe to dispose of any leftover cooking oil especially when putting down the drain because it will clog your pipes and wastewater lines.

According to the Environmental Services Department the following steps are the proper ways to dispose of used and unwanted cooking oil.

For small amounts of household grease, you can wipe the pan with a paper towel and place it in the trash. You can also pour small amounts of oil into a container to freeze before disposal in grey bins.

Large quantity of greases from frying turkeys should be taken to a Citizen Collection Station and residents will not need to provide a water bill to drop off cooking oil.

Beginning this weekend on Saturday, November 24, El Paso residents can drop off used cooking oil, fats or grease at the following Citizen Collection Stations across the city:

  • 3510 Confederate (Far East)
  • 1034 Pendale (East)
  • 4501 Hondo Pass (Northeast)
  • 2492 Harrison (Central)
  • 121 Atlantic (West)

The Citizen Collection Stations locations will be open Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular operating hours are Tuesday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. but will be closed November 22 and 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

For more information check out Environmental Services Department at or call 311.

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