Duolingo owl's death sparks online frenzy. Brands like Baskin Robbins, Cheez-It, and Netflix join in the absurd mourning, creating unpredictable social media buzz.
That's where the Guv's new plan could prevent any more tax hikes. He wants to let us citizens decide and, I'm pretty sure, those who don't want/can't afford new taxes will win.
The notices were sent to parents of kids in the Alice Independent School District. The notices said ICE agents would/could board school busses off campus to check for students in the USA illegally and detain and/or deport them.
Despite what you read on Facebook, or any other social media, the $750 being offered to turn in illegal aliens is a crock of you know what. ICE is not doing that though they do offer rewards for other information.
The city of Socorro, on the south eastern edge of El Paso, recently put a new law into effect regarding the storage, use and/or disposal of pecan shells. Yes, they really did and if it's not obeyed fully, there's a fine that will get bigger and bigger until it's made right.
Several people were recently arrested for impersonating ICE agents and detaining people around the USA. One of these idiots even tried forcing a woman to have sex with him in exchange for not deporting her.