Father’s Day is coming up and if your dad has a great sense of humor then don’t miss out on these funny Father’s Day pranks to pull on good ol’ dad.
Celebrating Father’s Day has been said is nothing like celebrating Mother’s Day and while dad may be much more lax about his day it doesn’t mean that you can’t have some real fun...
Ever wanted to attack your enemies in a nonviolent, yet fully irritating way? A new website now allows you to Glitterbomb your enemies! Make them suffer in a sparkly way.
Don't you hate when someone pranks you? And even worse a prank shared with social media and the whole world? Well this is awesomely funny and i am so happy this girl pranks this guy with snap chat and it works every time! Check it out!
Sometimes girls throw some serious shade and lies at guys to get them to go away, which is exactly what this Rutgers student did to try to avoid being hit on.
"That seat is about to be occupied." Lie.
"Oh, my boyfriend is coming." Lie...