A Reddit poll surveyed just under 1500 people to ask them which they'd want to increase more between Money, Brains, and Looks so Iris & I asked El Paso, TX to find out what YOU thought!

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Brains Over Beauty


If you could increase one of these stats. What would you choose to increase 5 times?
byu/MrRizzstein inpolls

Redditors were polled recently about which of these life stats they would want to increase by 5x. The top 3 of all the stats chosen were Beauty, Money, and Brains but Intelligence is the one that came out on top of all of them.

Redditors Decide!
Redditors Decide!

Reddit Poll

Behind intelligence was wealth followed by beauty. Of the other options left over, it went Mental Strength (being able to handle stress better), then Physical Strength, and lastly of all stats was Popularity.

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El Paso Decides

Iris & I decided to go ahead and ask the KISS FM audience and see what the locals here in the Southwest think!! Lots of people made decent arguments for their sides. Most people said being rich would buy you a better education and could even buy you better looks if you really wanted them!

Locals Chime In!!
Locals Chime In!!

Brains or Beauty??

Others said being Smarter was the obvious option! Because then you can use your brains to make more money and use the money to appear more beautiful! Because rich people can either buy beauty, or will have anyone they want because of all that cash!! Looks wont matter.

Listeners debate!
Listeners debate!

Intelligence, Money. Beauty??

Only a small handful of (smart) people chose Beauty of the other two options. But who won this debate officially?

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So...Who Won??

The Borderland has spoken!
The Borderland has spoken!

Money, Honey!

On Reddit, it was clear that Intelligence won the crowd over, but here in the Borderland the winner was...Money!!

More people chose riches over brains and almost no one chose beauty.

Dancing Backwards in High Heels 2024

Gallery Credit: Courtesy: EPHCC

Cool Canyon Nights 2024

Gallery Credit: Courtesy: Angel Munoz

The El Paso Art of Storytelling Is A Work of Art!

The Sunset Parlor hosts a monthly show called The Art of Storytelling that combines music, dancing, storytelling, and so much more to support local organizations through out the city!

Gallery Credit: Grizz

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