Ask an El Pasoan about haunted schools in the city and El Paso High School is likely the first one mentioned. When it comes to schools with alleged paranormal activity, the Lady on the Hill has acquired quite the reputation over the years.

But I dare say you can make the case that Ysleta High School is just as, if not more haunted than La High.

Even if you want to fight me on that, read on and at the very least I think you’ll agree YHS is without a doubt among El Paso’s scariest haunted schools.

The Evidence

Bonnie Juarez, President of The Paso Del Norte Paranormal Society (Ghosts 915), has explored and investigated numerous areas in and around the 100-year-old school over the years and is convinced the historic Lower Valley school is not just legit haunted, but among the most active.

“We heard stories of apparitions appearing in the auditorium, library, and hallways. People have heard the sound of a horse galloping across the football field,” Juarez related to us. “This is the information we took and used to set up cameras and focus on when we investigated.”

Juarez said the evidence they've collected is very compelling. “We caught motion and mist shapes on the stage of the auditorium, and activity in the commons,” she added. The "activity" includes what appears to be a hand swiping across the lens. No one was in the area known as the Commons at the time, so the hand cannot be explained. The video ends with what appear to be spirit orbs floating by.

Ysleta High School Auditorium - Spirits Stage Dance

Ysleta High School Ghostly Hand & Hallway Orbs

One of the more freaky hallway moments was caught on camera in 2012 by the school's head of security. According to a post on the Ysleta High School Alumni Association Facebook, on the night of July 3, 2012, Officer Najera was conducting a routine security check when he noticed the lights were flashing on and off rapidly in the main hall.

With students on summer vacation and the custodians long gone for the day, Najera went inside to check things out. The eerie vibe was too much for the spooked officer, who got out of there quick.

Ysleta High School - Haunted Hallway?

Another time, security heard noises coming from the auditorium. A search did not reveal a source of the sounds, but they took photos of the auditorium anyway to review later. The next day they when they were going over the pictures is when the saw the dark figure in one of the aisles.

Ricky Najera via Ysleta High School Alumni Association Facebook
Ricky Najera via Ysleta High School Alumni Association Facebook
Ysleta High School Auditorium 3
Ricky Najera via Ysleta High School Alumni Association Facebook
Ysleta High School Auditorium 4
Ricky Najera via Ysleta High School Alumni Association Facebook

Like other El Paso-area high schools, Ylseta also has a ghost-cheerleader associated with its hallowed halls -- or, more precisely, the girl's bathroom and nearby stairwell. The girl supposedly took her life or fell to her death, the circumstances change depending on who is telling the story.

While the Paso del Norte Paranormal Society has never been able to confirm such a tragic tale ever happened, current and former students insist cheerleader ghost girl is there and still partaking in extracurricular activities, and that ghostly alumni most definitely hang out in the auditorium.

Celebrities Who Lived in Haunted Houses

Below, check out 25 stars who claim to have lived in haunted homes.

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