Allan Martinez, Case Manager/Investigator with Research in Paranormal Science of El Paso, paid us a return visit Friday morning. RIPS, if you recall, was the group who investigated Tricia’s claims last year that the building we work in is haunted. This time Allan brought ghost audio from their recent investigation of Fire station #9.

To paranormal buffs and border lore experts, Fire station #9 is best known as "the haunted firehouse".  The City of El Paso even acknowledges the structures ghostly historyon its website. "On February 13,1934," it states,  "the old American Furniture Co. warehouse that was located across the street from the fire station nearly burned to the ground. Captain Woodward Bloxom, along with two other firefighters, was caught in a flashover."

"He was pulled from the fire and rushed to the hospital but unfortunately he passed away the next day. Since then, firefighters who have worked at station 9 speak of strange things that happen in the station. One of the oddest is that usually right before a big fire in the area occurs, the firefighters are signaled that it is coming. Usually the bay door rolls up on its own or the lights will come on just before the alarm comes in from the dispatch center."

Below are some of the ghostly sounds captured the nights of RIPS investigations. Before you push play, Allan offers up a suggestion: "[Listen to] all of the files with headphones . It's alot creepier that way!"


Sleeping Quarters - Night 1 - Whisper Isolated:  Allan writes, "[I] was explaining something to the fire fighters, and underneath you can hear a distict whisper in a pause [I] took. The voice is whispering so that automatically takes us out of the picture. (Note: RIPS EP has a No Whispering rule)

Whisper with hiss reduction, amplified:

Sleeping Quarters - Night 2 - Knock Marking Audio: "Captured during Exodus." (Note: Exodus is when the team vacates the premises for an hour, but leaves the equipment running.)  "No one was in the room while this was captured. In fact, no one had been in that room for about 20 minutes, and after the EVP happens, no one goes into that room for another 30 minutes."

Knock with hiss reduction, amplified:

Weight Room - Night 2 - Whispering after Call: "This whisper was captured right after the firemen were dispatched on an emergency call. All investigators were accounted for and no one was in this room at the time this voice was captured."

Whisper with hiss reduction, amplified:

Thank you Allan and the investigative crew from Research In Paranormal Science of El Paso for making us scared of the things that go bump in the night! We can't wait to hear what you'll bring by next time!


To contact RIPS EP: call 915.328.7385, email or contact them online: Facebook, Twitter.

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