Family Assistance Center Opens For El Paso Community
The Family Assistance Center has been created to help our El Paso community heal after the tragic events that occurred on Saturday, August 3, 2019.
El Paso's community is mourning and as we try to wrap our minds over the tragedy that occurred over the weekend, feelings of shock, anger, sadness, and frustration have permeated our residents.
The El Paso City-County Office of Emergency Management along with the American Red Cross has created the Family Assistance Center to provide the El Paso community to heal from horrific mass shootings that occurred over the weekend at the Walmart and Cielo Vista area.
Any El Paso resident who needs to talk, or needs a moment, or just needs some kind of support, the Family Assistance Center is there to provide assistance for anyone.
Services available to the public include:
- Counseling/Spiritual Care
- Health Care Assistance
- Language Translation
- Travel Assistance
- Financial support
- Legal support
The Family Assistance Center is located at the Convention Center in Downtown off Santa Fe Street and San Antonio Ave. and will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Resources and services will be provided by public and private organizations. Parking fees will be waived for individuals visiting the center.
Anyone needing immediate support should call 915-779-1800.