It's the most wonderful time of the get sick! Avoid it with these strange tips!

1.)  Keep Your Feet Warm.  Researchers think cold feet might cause the blood vessels in your sinuses to tighten up.

2.)  After You Wash Your Hands, Don't Dry Them with a Towel.  This isn't the earth friendly thing to do, but you're less likely to get the flu from someone in your own home if you use paper towels.

3.)  Cut Your Fingernails.  Less bacteria.

4.)  Take a Few Deep Breaths Each Day.  You have to breathe in for three seconds from your diaphragm, so your stomach pushes out.  Then exhale for three seconds, and do it three times in a row, a few times every day.

5.)  Don't Get Drunk.  One drink won't hurt.  But too many can mess with your white blood cells' ability to fight off infections.  Therefore it messes with your immune system.



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