Walking a Mile In Her Shoes for Charity
Hundreds of grown men walked in heels to raise money and awareness of domestic violence and other forms of trauma. The annual Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event took place in Downtown El Paso on Thursday, October 17th. The event is sponsored by the local El Paso YWCA and benefits the Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center.
The Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center provides a bridge to successful independence of women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The center provides counseling, financial empowerment services, job search assistance, and educational opportunities. As you can imagine, these type of services require a large sum of money and that's where the "Walk A Mile" comes in.
Every year, the walk raises thousands of dollars for the Sara McKnight center. The walk brings men from all walks of life together for a common cause. Firemen, attorneys, financial advisers, teachers, etc all came out to walk a mile in a women's shoes. For more information or to donate to this very important cause, please go to www.ywcaelpaso.org
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