U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Making a Stop at The El Paso Zoo
The U.S. Capitol Christmas tree will be making a stop in El Paso before heading to Washington D.C.
Long considered the People’s Tree – the Capitol Christmas tree will be making a stop at the El Paso Zoo as it makes its cross-country journey from New Mexico to Washington D.C.
Everyone is invited to view the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 15 at the El Paso Zoo.
Folks will have a chance to sign banners on the sides of the truck, and learn more about the Carson National Forest and purchase U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree merchandise.
The celebration includes activity booths including the iconic fire truck with the U.S. flag from the El Paso Fire Department and Sparky the Fire Dog. The Public Library will have its mobile bookmobile and there will be a tree planting demonstrations from the Parks and Recreation Department along with many more.
Every year, a different national forest is selected to provide a Christmas tree to appear on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol building. The Carson National Forest in partnership with nonprofit partner Choose Outdoors will bring this special gift from New Mexico to Washington, D.C. for the 2019 season.
For more information and to track the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree cross-country, visit uscapitolchristmastree.com.