El Pasoans Fighting Hunger and El Paso Animal Services are joining forces to provide food for the community and their pets.

Over the last six months, families have been struggling to make ends meet. The looming novel coronavirus has greatly impacted many economically as families face unemployment, lay-offs, and furloughs. This year alone, El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank has seen a dramatic surge in families accessing the foodbank's services due to continued food insecurities.

Pets are very much part of the current health crisis, as pet owners are also struggling to feed their pets. Sadly, pet owners who are food insecure themselves sometimes will often choose to go without food to ensure their companion animals are fed instead.

El Paso Animal Services and El Pasoans Fighting Hunger understand the need and are offering free pet food assistance with two pet food distribution sites this week.

Pet Food Distribution Sites & Dates:

Tuesday – October 13, 2020

  • Beginning at 10 a.m. until supplies are gone at the food bank, 9541 Plaza Circle (first-come, first-serve)

Wednesday – October 14, 2020

  • From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church, 930 E. Redd Rd. in West El Paso (first-come, first-serve)

Both dry dog and cat food will be distributed in one-gallon Ziploc bags.

Residents who need pet food can call El Pasoans Fighting Hunger pet resource team at 915-212-8735 or via email at pethelpline@elpasotexas.gov or reach out to El Paso Animal Services.


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