This year has gone by so fast. We are already at the end of July and stores are already promoting their halloween items. Disney has just started sharing their latest Halloween items, including brand new costumes. Toy Story 4 is for sure going to be a hot costume for 2019. Many kids are probably going to want to be Buzz and Woody but for those kids who aren't afraid of anything, Forky might be the costume for you.

Described as an "adorably fun costume" this Forky outfit is a little freaky. The pipe cleaner bra is unecessary, the google eyes look evil and the wooden feet are all wrong. I completely love the newest Toy Story star, but this costume is very disappointing. I know it is probably really hard to dress as a spork, but I really expected a better design from Disney. We still have time, so I think Disney should go back to the drawing room and create a new costume that will not give me nightmares.

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