
Worst Movies Ever?
Worst Movies Ever?
Worst Movies Ever?
Rotten Tomatoes doesn't always provide a perfect look at the world of film criticism, but it does paint a pretty consistent picture of what films are widely loved or widely hated. Any film that reaches 60% positive reviews or higher once they've all been tallied is considered "fresh" and anything under that is "rotten." It's very rare for a movie to reach 100% positive reviews
11 Adorably Embarrassing Examples of Baby Shaming
11 Adorably Embarrassing Examples of Baby Shaming
11 Adorably Embarrassing Examples of Baby Shaming
It all started with the 'Dogshaming' meme, where owners took to the Web to expose their misbehaving pooches. Then there was bunny shaming, which taught us that even those little guys can get into trouble. But that ain't got nothin' on the latest version -- baby shaming brings this trend to an entirely new level of adorable.
Nope - We Ain’t Doing That!
Nope - We Ain’t Doing That!
Nope - We Ain’t Doing That!
I was in line at the grocery store yesterday and doing what annoys the daylights out of Mike – I was yakking on the phone.  After I hung up, a lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said she recognized my laugh, but not my voice because I wasn’t talking right.  I asked her what she meant, and she said, “You know, like you do on the radio”.

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