As the holiday seasons ignite the effort of many to give donations to charitable organizations, we all must remember that donations are needed all year long. Sun City Cats, "an organization of volunteers dedicated to reducing the number of free-roaming (feral) cats in El Paso by utilizing the Trap-Neuter-Return protocol," made this point on their recent Facebook posts.

Our animal population is hard to control when there is a lack of resources. Sun City Cats are trying their best to do what they can to help the cats that roam the streets of El Paso. With food donations, Sun City Cats helps relieve some of the pressure for those who have very little money to keep their local strays from starving. This is only possible with the help of donations and we know El Pasoans are usually amazing at donating.

This is why their recent Facebook post is so shocking. During these colder nights, many cats need to have a full belly and safe space that can easily be provided with the help of donations. Stop looks at cats or dogs are problems and see them as lives. Any little bit can help, so please El Paso, please help your fellow furry friends anyway you can.

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