Should The City And EPISD Change The Names Of Streets And Schools That Honor The Confederacy?
The deadly riots in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend centered on the removal of a statue that honors the Confederacy. All over the country, there are similar monuments and here in El Paso, there are also schools that are named for Confederates. The City of El Paso and the El Paso Independent School District are working on what to do about those monuments and schools.
Newly elected District 3 rep Cassandra Hernandez Brown said a street in her district named for Robert E. Lee has generated the most calls to her office since she was elected. Brown said she's looking into possibly changing the name of the road. Any change would have to be approved by City Council.
Hernandez Brown says before the name is changed, she would want to find out what costs business owners would have to absorb.
Robert E. Lee is also the name of an EPISD school in northeast El Paso. When KVIA asked the district if there had been any calls to change the name, Superintendent Juan Cabrera issued this statement:
"The tragic events in Charlottesville, Va., have given us the opportunity to reflect on the history of the District and consider the school names we have inherited from school leaders long gone. I believe school names should reflect the values of our students and community. It is time to move forward and begin discussions to reconsider the names of schools that do not celebrate the communities we serve. The naming or re-naming of facilities is a decision of the school board, and I am certain that they share in the belief that our campuses should be places that honor El Paso, its children and their families."