Texas Opts Out Of Feeding Low Income ChildrenTexas Opts Out Of Feeding Low Income ChildrenOver 3.8 million children in Texas may miss out on $120 for summer meals.GrizzGrizz
Texas Medical School Must Stop Gross Money Saving PracticeTexas Medical School Must Stop Gross Money Saving PracticeDespite it being a gross and forbidden, a Texas Medical School was caught disposing of human bodies in an illegal manner.Dubba GDubba G
Are These Really The Best Schools In El Paso?Are These Really The Best Schools In El Paso?El Paso school districts recently graded themselves. Except for the biggest one, here are El Paso's best.Dubba GDubba G
That's Not a Mall Food Court, This Is a Giant Texas CafeteriaThat's Not a Mall Food Court, This Is a Giant Texas CafeteriaYeah the kids get the full mall food court experience at this Texas high school.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
El Paso's Furious Over Middle School Banning All-Black ClothingEl Paso's Furious Over Middle School Banning All-Black ClothingOne middle school decided to put a ban on all-black clothing before the school year & El Paso is not happy about it...Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
These 2 Texas Schools Are Redefining Ivy League Standards These 2 Texas Schools Are Redefining Ivy League Standards When you think of Ivy League schools, these 2 Texas schools are now amongst the top ones.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Narcan Coming to Arizona Schools to Combat Fentanyl OverdosesNarcan Coming to Arizona Schools to Combat Fentanyl OverdosesArizona schools want districts to have Narcan on hand to combat fentanyl deaths across the state. What will it cost?ValVal
Check Out The Best High Schools In The USA, Texas And El PasoCheck Out The Best High Schools In The USA, Texas And El PasoUS News And World Report recently ranked all the public high schools in the country. Dallas had the most in the Texas top 10 with 4.Dubba GDubba G
Like Taking Taxpayer Dollars From a BabyLike Taking Taxpayer Dollars From a BabyA healthy percentage of our tax dollars go towards helping children in the education system, until it's stolenChris CappialiChris Cappiali
A School In Texas Is Using AI To Teach – Good Or Bad?A School In Texas Is Using AI To Teach – Good Or Bad?Artificial intelligence, (AI), is a hot topic these days. Could it soon be teaching in El Paso classrooms? It already is in Austin and other parts of Texas.Dubba GDubba G
Rural Districts In Texas Eyeing 4-Day School WeekRural Districts In Texas Eyeing 4-Day School WeekSome rural school districts in the Lone Star State are giving serious consideration to switching to a 4 day school week.Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
Teacher Receives Grant For Fitness Program to Help El Paso KidsTeacher Receives Grant For Fitness Program to Help El Paso KidsA program designed by a local educator has received high praise and some pretty big bucks to help El Paso children live healthier, happier lives.Dubba GDubba G