Ofc. Andrea Zendejas literally let her hair down while in New York City and the Internet freaked out.

The El Paso Police Department's "Live PD" star spent Friday and Saturday (6/8-6/9) in the Big Apple as an in-studio guest on the A&E reality show. After going bun up the first night, "The Bun of Justice" went hair down the next and America loved it.

The Twitter Storm of Love started after a fan tweeted, "Wow! @OfcAZendejas hair is super long without the bun." Zendejas replied with the hashtag #LongHairDontCare
Sadly, the one question everyone wanted answered, wasn't.

So, Ofc. Zendejas, how do you get it to always be so on point? America needs to know.

Live PD on A&E
Live PD on A&E

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