It doesn’t really feel like Christmas until you’ve seen those iconic Luminarias lit up across town.

If you have yet to see a luminaria this holiday season well no worries because this weekend you can take a stroll in the luminaria-lined trails of the beautiful garden at Keystone Heritage Park and witness the beauty of Keystone Heritage Park while enjoying a luminary view by the lake.

The public is invited to join in on the celebration beginning Friday, December 2nd from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and again on Saturday, December 3rd from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

The Doña Ana county 4-H ridgerunners will be vending hot chocolate and cookies for guests to enjoy. However, guests are encouraged to bring a clean cup to help make this a low-waste event.

The event will also feature local vendors including High Desert Native plants selling beautiful poinsettias, and Dragons Lab Embellishments selling sparkling jewelry and home accessories. More vendors will be announced soon.

Courtesy: Keystone Heritage Parks
Courtesy: Keystone Heritage Parks

The Coronado High School band will be joining the event to provide entertainment for guests.

If you plan on attending this event make sure to take some cash with you as cash is their preferred method of payment.

Thomas D McFarland TDM Photography
Thomas D McFarland
TDM Photography

Keystone Heritage Parks Annual Luminarias by The Lake:

  • Keystone Heritage Park: 4200 Doniphan
  • Friday, December 2nd & Saturday December 3rd
  • 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
  • $5 Adults
  • $3 Military
  • $2 Children 11 and under

Symbiosis Mural


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