Over the weekend the Hawthorne Street Pedestrian-Bike Enhancement Project began Phase III closing the road to all traffic.

With Phase III in effect the southern portion of the street between Rim Road and Schuster Avenue will is now closed and the north portion of the street closer to Rim has reopened.

The new construction will move the Miner Metro Shuttle stop to the southwest corner of Rim and Randolph Drive from Rim and Hawthorne temporarily.

Students and motorists can access the V-1 (Mike Loya Academic Services Building) parking lot and the Highlander Apartments, 1700 Hawthorne St., via driveways closer to Rim.

The Hawthorne Street Pedestrian-Bike Enhancement Project will eventually include one lane in each direction for co-use with bicyclists.

The new enhancements will feature the following:

  • Will make the campus entrance safer
  • Wider sidewalks with ADA-approved ramps
  • Native and drought-resistant trees, an irrigation system, and better lighting

Hawthorne Street Pedestrian-Bike Enhancement Project is expected to be completed by the end of February this year.


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