Haunted El Paso: The El Paso Playhouse
Like many of the buildings on Montana, the one housing the El Paso Playhouse has been around for a long, long time. It was the Festival Theater and a church before being home to the community theater for 46 years and counting now. And for many of those years, actors and others that frequent the theater report having had experiences with unexplained activity.
Reports of footsteps on the wooden staircase when no one is on it, toilets flushing in the woman’s bathroom when no one is using it, and the sound of whispering near the spotlight and concession areas are common. Props and keys being moved and placed somewhere else are routine as well. It is commonly believed to be mostly the work of a technician who was accidentally killed during a performance in the very early days of the theater, but legend has it more than one spirit calls the place home.
Research in Paranormal Science of El Paso investigated the Playhouse in 2011, and shared some of the electronic voice phenomena (EVP) recordings they captured with us during an in-studio visit in July of that year:
EVP 1: “This (EVP) was caught in the initial walk-through of the El Paso Playhouse,” according to George. “The first person you will hear is (RIPS investigator) Danny. He's explaining a claim about the concession room while people are going through notes in their scripts. There's some whispering after he says, ‘I don't remember what show it was.’”
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EVP 2: This audio was captured in the ladies bathroom. George told us only Allan and crew member Anthony were in there at the time. “If you listen closely,” he says, “you can hear that it talks over Allan, and Anthony talks over it.”:
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But if you're the type who has to see it to believe it, check out this digital image El Paso filmmaker Jackson Polk -- who has document the stories of the El Paso Playhouse in his DVD ”Ghost Stories of El Paso, Volume 3," shared with me of smoke-like apparitions. It was taken July 22nd, 2011, on the Playhouse stage as “ghost trackers” Mario and Patrick sat and listened to music. A psychic-medium who had accompanied them that evening had just described sensing a couple dancing on stage.
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