Haunted El Paso: The De Soto Hotel, Where Spirits Coexist With the Living
[Note: This article was originally published in August of 2012. Updated information has been added.]
The De Soto Hotel on Mills Avenue has been a constant in the downtown El Paso scene for over one hundred years. Established in 1905, its hallways are still home to a few dozen living and breathing tenants. And a few that aren't.
Chris Lopez and Matt Hernandez, lead investigators for El Paso Ghost Tours at the time of this interview, know of at least three spirits that make the hotel their home. "One is a little girl that calls herself Sara," Chris told us during an in-studio visit. "She loves to play and make contact with women."
Her existence has been documented by photos and voice recordings taken not just by El Paso Ghost Tours but many guests on their tours as well.
People entering the dark basement, once used for satanic rituals but now used only for storage, have encountered another resident spirit. This one purports to be of a demonic nature, although Chris doesn't believe it's truly a demon.
"He has claimed to be the devil and has bit, scratched, punched, choked and pushed our tour guides and guests. [But] do we think its a demon? No, we don't. If that was the case then I do believe we would have been ousted a long time ago."
Here are a few of the voice recordings, known as Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP, El Paso Ghost Tours shared with us during their in-studio visit:
1. Demonic-like voice captured in the basement:
2. "The spirit was asked to say its name and we got a response with the possible name "Sara." This one will require the use of headphones to hear more clearly:
3. "Sara" isolated and amplified with hiss reduced and slowed down:
4. Growl-like sound:
To find out more about the group's Friday night ghost tours go to El Paso Ghost Tours.com
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