Andrea Zendejas, an El Paso police officer who has become a bit of a celebrity from her many appearances on the reality cop show "Live PD," was chosen as Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the El Paso Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars.

Paula Mitchell, chairwoman of the veterans organization's law and order committee, said of Zendejas, “She outstanding field training officer and has been featured on 'Live PD' and held as a positive role model for female viewers," according to an El Paso Times report. Mitchell also cited Zendejas' "exceptional work ethic" as one of the reasons she was chosen to receive the honor.

The "Live PD" star, who is known for always having her hair in a perfectly tight bun and regularly wearing a black sleeve on her forearm, patrols the Northeast. She is married to fellow officer Shaulin Marquez.

Why Zendejas wears that black sleeve on her forearm

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