In Response to Trump’s Claim, El Pasoans Tweet the REAL Dangers in El Paso
During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Trump tried to sell America on his big, beautiful wall by claiming El Paso’s low crime rate is a direct and immediate result of our longstanding border wall.
Meanwhile in El Paso, we were all surprised to learn we had once lived in such a violent and lawless city. His misinformed declaration, however, was great fodder for some social media snark.
Two Twitter hashtags in particular made for hilarious smartphone reading: #themostdangerousthingaboutelpaso and the similarly titled #mostdangerousthingaboutelpaso. They're funny cause they're true.
I. Noriega @inoriega3
#TheMostDangerousThingAboutElPaso Whataburger drive-thru after HS football games
Meli Jane @poisongirlx01
#themostdangerousthingaboutElPaso is believing the waitress when she tells you the salsa isn't "too" spicy.
Eddie @EP_idiotbox
#TheMostDangerousThingAboutElPaso is the…New Mexican drivers
Joanna Rodriguez @joaniitap
#themostdangerousthingaboutElPaso the bathroom after eating a double from Chico’s Tacos.
Caj @Charlie_A85
#mostDangerousThingaboutElPaso Gualmar on a Sunday