Trump Campaign Says El Paso Overcharged Them for Rally
President Trump held his "Make America Great Again" rally in El Paso, back in February. El Paso went crazy that day with so many road closures, tons of security everywhere and basically, the city revolved around President Trump's arrival. Here we are in June 2019 and the bill for that campaign rally has still not been paid.
I wrote about this a couple of months ago because it was important to point out that El Paso deserves to get paid. The first invoice was sent back on March 27th for a hefty $470,417.05, according to Newsweek. Again, we are in June 2019 now and whether you love or hate President Trump, you should be wondering, why hasn't the city received their money?
According to, the chief operating officer for the Trump campaign, Michael Glassner, President Trump's camp believes the city of El Paso overcharged the campaign for the rally and are currently reviewing the invoice. They were supposed to make the payment back on April 26th, 2019.
We are almost in July and well, all we know is the campaign is challenging our city for the bill. The City of El Paso should be worried because President Trump STILL owes money for some of his 2016 campaigns, according to salon.com.
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