El Paso Zoo Sets Dates for Easter EggstravaganZoo Celebration
Easter weekend will be egg-stra-special at the El Paso Zoo.
That's because the Easter Bunny will be making a hippity hoppity stoppity there on Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, April 12, and he's promising an egg-cellent adventure for children of all ages.
Egg-tivities this year include magic shows, inflatables, and stations along the pathways where kids can stop in and get candy prizes. Easter weekend visitors can also watch the zoo animals go on their own egg hunts for eggrichment treats, and get an eggucation on bird nests and habitats.
EggstravaganZoo event activities will be free with regular zoo admission except photos with the Easter Bunny. Some regular zoo activities, such as riding the train, climbing the Chihuahuan Desert ropes course, and feeding the giraffes, have an additional charge.
If you need more details or have questions, hit up the El Paso Zoo website because I'm out of egg puns. I've eggs-austed them all. Ha! Okay, now I'm done.
EggstravaganZoo 2020
• April 11-12
• 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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