El Paso City Officials Tell Mayoral Candidate To Put Up Or Shut Up About Corruption
David Saucedo and Dee Margo will face each other in a runoff to replace outgoing El Paso mayor, Oscar Leeser. On this past weekend's ABC 7 Xtra, he made some pretty explosive accusations against City officials, and two city reps say he needs to either go to the City or the police with his information.
City reps, Claudia Ordaz and Emma Acosta say Saucedo's accusation that City Hall is rife with bribes and 'pay-for-play' corruption is something that needs to be investigated, but if he's not willing to go to the proper authorities, he is, in Ordaz's opinion, desperately attempting "at the 11th hour of his campaign to get attention."
Saucedo says he has heard retold stories of inspectors paying to get faster reviews and inspections from the Planning & Inspections Department, but won’t out his sources because they are afraid of retaliation. Acosta said there is a hotline for all city employees to anonymously report any wrong doings. Saucedo also said that if he elected mayor, he will then suggest people come forward with their information so he can protect them.
Making accusations about 'retold stories' is third-hand gossip. If there is corruption going on, is it a good idea for someone who wants to be mayor to help it flourish by refusing to expose it? If someone has been victimized by the alleged corruption, they don't have to go to City officials, they can go directly to the FBI or El Paso Police Department.
David Saucedo needs to stand up right now for the constituents he wants to represent, not hold them hostage to alleged corruption unless he is voted into office. Will he reveal the corruption if he isn't voted in, or will he allow it to continue to fester at City Hall?
Time to show your hand, Mr. Saucedo.