Halloween is next week, and if your costume requires fake blood, I have a recipe for fake blood that you can make at home with stuff you probably have in your kitchen!

All you need is:

1 cup corn syrup
5 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
Red food coloring
Warm water

Put the corn syrup into a bowl and in a separate bowl, use a whisk to break up the cornstarch so there are no lumps.
Add the chocolate syrup and about a tablespoon of red food coloring to the corn syrup and whisk til mixed.
Add the cornstarch in three stages and whisk to mix.
If you need more food coloring or chocolate syrup, add it now.
Add warm water to get the consistency you want.

You should know this stuff will stain your clothes and your skin, so don't wear anything that you'll be devastated to mess up. You can put the fake blood on your skin with makeup brushes or sponges, or even put it in a small spray bottle to spray it on you or your clothes.

So how do you keep from walking into work the day after Halloween without fake blood stains all over your face?

The first thing to do is use a washcloth and soap and water to loosen the goo. If that doesn't take everything off, dilute white vinegar with water, 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar, and gently scrub your face with a washcloth again. Still seeing a little pink? Try a paste of baking soda and water. That will take everything off! Why not start with the paste in the first place? Because, chances are, the washcloth and soap and water will do the trick the first time.

Do a trial run this weekend so you can get the consistency and color down, and test on your hand or legs so you can see how hard it will be to wash the fake blood off.

This is a great tutorial on how to do a vampire makeup:


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