On Saturday in Clint, Texas parents and students gathered outside the Clint Post Office to ask residents to sign a petition to bring back high school graduation to the Clint High School Football field.

According to the online petition's Change.org description, the reason for this change is coming from "a one-sided presentation" that caused a vote to move the graduation to the Don Haskins Center in 2019. After that graduation, many students and parents disagreed with the changes. Many Clint residents want to keep the tradition of hosting graduation on the football field for 2020.

Growing up in my small town of Fabens, who are brutal rivals with Clint, I am proud to say I support what this community is doing. I drove by and gave them some honks. I've signed their petition. I am friends with some of their alumni. I am going to marry a former Clint Lion. Yeah, I know, weird.

From El Paso to El Paso County, school graduations differ. I feel bad for students who live far from Don Haskins center and have to cram everyone in the car to make the trip. I had to do that for my two UTEP graduations and it was horrible. For my Fabens graduation, I truly loved having it on the football field because my grandparents lived across the street from it. My grandpa sat outside in his yard so he didn't have to deal with people, to hear my name that night. After the ceremony, I walked over to his house to hug him and hear how proud of me he was. He died a year later, but I cherish that he was able to make it and enjoy my graduation in the comfort of his lawn chair.

Me &Grampa

The love that comes from a high school football field graduation is something that makes me believe in magic. The bond that you have with your graduation class is a weird connection you can't shake. Maybe you liked your fellow classmates, maybe you didn't, but either way, you grew up together and survived high school.

You might lose communication with classmates but you will not lose that pride and love that comes from your community. There is just something different and special about football field graduations. It is a real shame that Clint has changed their tradition. What I hope the outcome is for these students is that they get their small town graduation back and realize the power in speaking up for what they believe in.

If you feel the same, you can sign the petition here.

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