You know that on the Mike and Tricia Morning Show, we believe in ghosteses. We devote an entire month to all things paranormal in October, and we love to have our resident love psychic, Jeannie, on the air with us to talk to dead people, aka ghosteses. The thing we don't like is the thought that there are ghosts that might talk to us or materialize in front of us, but I think we have one that has figured out a way to communicate that is pretty cutting edge.

This morning, we were talking about whether Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said 'wall' or 'muro' in his response to President Donald Trump's declaration that Mexico would be paying for the border wall. I was speaking with a listener on the phone off the air who was explaining what 'muro' means when I said, 'I love our listeners because they teach me something new every day!' As I hung up, Siri activated on my phone and said, 'Knowledge is good.'

I was nowhere near my phone. I hadn't touched it all morning. Mike didn't touch my phone. No one touched my phone. I think our studio ghost wanted to tell us that, well, knowledge is good.

I turned to the interwebs to see if this is a thing, and apparently if you have the 'Hey Siri' feature activated, she will pipe up and scare the pants off you at odd times because of ambient noise around your phone. Problem is, I don't have that particular feature activated.

I hope our studio ghost doesn't start talking to me while I'm driving or I might drive off the road. I also hope that by writing this, I have released the studio ghost. I'll keep you posted.

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