You Cannot Register To Vote Online In Texas – Here’s How To Do It The Right Way
There has been a huge push to get people registered to vote in time for this year's mid-term elections that will happen on November 6. There are so many online websites that purport to be a place where you can register online, but in Texas, you can't.
Texas requires that you register to vote with a signed document that has to be turned into your local County Voter Registrar. You cannot register online in the State of Texas to vote. If you have, you are not registered and won't be able to vote.
Ok, so how do you register to vote? Here we go:
1. Go to the El Paso County Courthouse. The County Elections Department has applications there. Fill one out and turn it in. That's it. It's that easy.
2. You don't have time to do that? Go online and download the application, fill it out, and mail it in to the address on the application.
3. You can also get the application at any U.S. Post Office, the Department of Public Safety, El Paso Public Libraries, Texas Health and Human Services Commission offices and any local high school.
It takes an average of 11 minutes to vote. It will probably take you about 5 minutes to download and fill out the application to vote. Do it today because the deadline is Tuesday, October 9.