A recent social media post is getting mixed reactions, as one ladies' group decided to bring a pair of their husbands' shoes to a Bible study session. The reason why all of the women put on their husbands' shoes is what has started the conversation.

"So.... Why do we insist on wearing them? I for one don't want his job or responsibilities! There is no way I could handle the physical or mental stress he deals with!"

Shovel loaded with alphalt ready for paving
TonyLMoorePhoto, ThinkStock Images

A conversation is being had on social media regarding roles in relationships and marriages, in particular. The conversation stems from a Facebook post that shows women in a Bible study group wearing their husbands' shoes.

"Their shoes aren't meant to fit us. The load they have to carry is heavy. They are responsible for our family in ways that we will truly never understand."

Unsplash via @anniespratt
Unsplash via @anniespratt

The post finishes by saying, "So let's stop trying to wear our husband's shoes. Instead, let's pray for them, encourage them, and let them be the men God has called them and created them to be".

Women's Bible Study Group Wears Husbands' Shoes

The entirety of the sentiment, which has been duplicated by multiple users on Facebook, reads as follows:

In our ladies Bible study I asked all the women to bring a pair of their husbands shoes to class. When they got there, I asked them to put them on.  We spent the rest of the evening wearing shoes that were in most cases way to big for us. We were stumbling around and tripping over them and they definitely were not comfortable. It was really quite comical!
We quickly realized that our husbands shoes are wayyyy to big for us! They are meant for our husbands feet, not ours.
So…. Why do we insist on wearing them?
I for one don’t want his job or his responsibilities! There is no way I could handle the physical or mental stress he deals with! And wearing his big old dirty boots was a really good reminder of
Their shoes aren’t meant to fit us. The load they have to carry is heavy. They are responsible for our family in ways that we will never truly understand.
So let’s stop trying to wear our husbands shoes. Instead, let’s pray for them, encourage them, and let them be the men God has called them and created them to be.
Twitter via @RevSarahLocke
Twitter via @RevSarahLocke

While the original post was seemingly shared to a private Facebook group, a pastor for the Jacksonville Campus Ministry group shared a screenshot of the post to Twitter. That is where the original post has garnished quite a bit of reactions.

See the post via @RevSarahLocke on Twitter below.

While Rev Sarah's caption reads, "Stop this", some on Twitter don't quite agree with her. Others have been ready to respond as well.

Many have come forward to express that this sort of ideal may further the age-old sentiment that women are in some way weaker than men. Still, many are pushing back.

Some say that the sentiment isn't about being the man or the woman in a relationship, but about playing your role.

Of the responses to the post, there is a large amount of people wondering how shoe size could possibly determine roles in relationships.

Some came forward to give personal insight on their own relationships and the roles that are undertaken.

And of course, since it is Twitter, many took their opportunity to let some jokes fly.

As someone who has never been married, I won't attempt to lay out too much of an opinion on who should be doing what in a relationship. The one thing I will say is that relationships are actually a lot like shoes, because at the end of the day - there is no one-size-fits-all.

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