Woman Attacked At Westside Gym Parking Lot – Here Are 5 Safety Tips To Follow
A woman was attacked in the parking lot of a westside gym that is inside Sunland Park Mall and it highlights just how dangerous it is to not be aware of your surroundings or think that any part of town is safer than the others. You can check out the frightening details about the incident by clicking here, and here are a few things that you can do to stay safer and fight back if something like this happens to you:
1. Fight like hell - Experts say you should use whatever you have to fight. Swing your purse, hold your keys in between your fingers like Wolverine, scream at the top of your lungs. Whatever you can do to fight, do it.
2. Be careful with your nails - Of course it doesn't matter if you break a nail fighting, but we all know that hurts like crazy so use your nails as a last resort so you don't cause damage to your hands that will move your focus off fighting your attacker.

3. Hit and kick - Use the heels of your hands instead of trying to punch. Punching is an art but using the heels of your hands doesn't require as much finesse. Kick everything you can. Experts say aim for the groin or try to donkey kick an attackers knees. They only bend one way and if you kick their knee cap you could break their leg and get away.
4. Scream - An attacker doesn't want you to draw attention to what he is doing. Scream your guts out and yell "I don't know this person."
5. Never leave with your attacker - Experts say you need to never leave with your attacker even if they say they have a weapon. If they get you alone chances for your survival aren't good. If you get hurt trying to stay where you are you'll be able to recover from those wounds. An attacker only wants to get you someplace where whatever they are doing can't be witnessed and they won't be held responsible.
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