What You Need to Know about City of El Paso No Longer Enforcing County Shut Down Order
After less than a week of enforcement of El Paso County Stay at Home Order 13, including citing nonessential businesses that were not complying with the shut down order, the El Paso Police Department will now go back to enforcing the city's prior health order.
The swift about face comes after the Texas 8th Court of Appeals ruled the County’s Order could not supersede Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-32. “Today’s ruling from the 8th Court of Appeals restores our previous directive," said El Paso Mayor Dee Margo, referring to the City’s Sixth Local Emergency Directive -- the last order issued prior to El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego's controversial shutdown order.
That means El Paso P.D. will now revert back to enforcing that directive, which allows non-essential businesses to operate at 50 percent, and permits restaurants to offer dine-in until 9 p.m. Additionally, gatherings remain limited to no more than 10 people and face masks mandatory.
Sixth Local Emergency Directive By the Mayor of the City of El Paso
• Any outdoor gathering in excess of 10 people is prohibited.
• Every business establishment shall operate at no more than 50 percent of the total listed occupancy of the establishment.
• All restaurant dine-in services, to include outdoor service, such as on a patio or similar seating area, shall end at 9 p.m., but may continue after 9 p.m. via take out and drive thru only. Restaurants may resume dine-in services, to include outdoor service, beginning at 6 a.m.
• People shall not visit bars or similar establishments.
• All individuals are strongly encouraged to limit leaving their homes for essential purposes only.
• Individuals shall have no home gatherings with individuals not within their household.
• As previously announced, with the exception of walking, hiking, and bike trails, City parks remain closed. City playgrounds and walking trails within and around a City park remain open.
• It is imperative that every person in El Paso wear some form of face covering over their nose and mouth. Wearing a face covering is not a substitute for maintaining 6-feet social distancing and hand washing. Following a verbal or written warning for a first-time violator of this face covering requirement, a person’s second violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250. Each subsequent violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 per violation.
The above directive was issued Oct. 15, 2020. You can find the Sixth Directive in its entirety HERE.
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