Park Playgrounds Open, New Isolation Guideline: City Of El Paso Updates Local Emergency Directive
The City of El Paso has made some changes to the Fourth Local Emergency Directive. Effective now, restrictions on the use of playgrounds and fitness equipment in all city parks has been lifted. (Let’s be real, the yellow tape wasn’t stopping anyone from using them anyway.)
Only city park usage has been released from its previous restrictions. Budget and staffing shortfalls continue to affect the reopening of splash parks, pools and other Quality of Life facilities. There is no timeline for the resumption of any other amenities or services.
If you do visit a neighborhood park, city officials ask that you follow the minimum health and safety guidelines we should all be familiar with by now: face coverings and/or 6 feet separation from other individuals not within the same household, hand hygiene, and cough etiquette.
Release from Home Self-Isolation
The other notable change is the updated guidelines for individuals who exhibit symptoms or test positive. All individuals with symptoms or not, must remain home for at least 10 days from the initial onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test. Previously, it was 14 days. The change reflects new CDC guidance.

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