With the RETURN of Sun City BaconFest so many people ask, 'Why can't they make pancakes with Bacon' or "I'm into juicing make a fruit and bacon juice' or 'Tell the vendors to mix bacon with enchiladas or bacon flautas!'

We have all had or at least of heard of martini's with bacon or the cupcake with bacon.  Apart from the obvious bacon sandwiches, I came across the ALL BACON burger consisting of bacon over bacon over bacon, I think you get the jest.

I came across some kooky bacon recipes that we can try at home.  I was kinda tripped out with the bacon and vodka, thang...I don't know, but I will be OPEN!  Thanks to Top 10 Clipz for this:

I know there are bacon scented candles from Yankee Candle that I found of yelp.

yelp yankee candle
yelp yankee candle

Oh, scoot over Gucci and Hugo Boss, there is a bacon fragrance.


All we want is bacon on top of bacon covered in bacon with a side of bacon!  Let's talk wish list and have our vendor's hear your bacon filled Voice!  Sun City BaconFest makes its way April 23, Sunday Downtown in the Union Plaza Entertainment District starting at 11 a.m.!

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