Fall season is in full effect, which means pumpkins and everything you can think of will be turning into pumpkins. One local pecan farm decided to jump on the magical pumpkin carriage and host a pumpkin painting contest.

Ramirez Pecan Farm is holding a weekend event filled with brisket, pizza and pumpkin painting. On October 21 and 22nd, you can take the kiddos to the lower valley to have some fun. They will be having tons of family fun activities, but you are going to want to get in on purchasing a local pumpkin and paint set.

At the event, participants will have to decorate their pumpkin as creatively as possible, then snap a picture. The pumpkin photo will then have to be uploaded to Instagram with the hashtag, #RPFPumpkinfest2017 in order to be a contestant for their pumpkin painting contest. Only pictures taken at the event will be considered for the contest. Monday, a first, second and third place winner will be picked.

Parents, you will be the real winner of this event due to the happiness that will come from a fun family day. Plus, the event will be serving up country style plates like pecan wood smoked brisket along and brick oven pizzas!

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