Two SISD Seniors Will Graduate Without Ever Missing A Day Of School
Two Socorro Independent School District seniors, George Maldonado from Eastlake High School, and Leslie Calderwood from Montwood High School graduated with the distinction of never missing a single day of school.
George and Leslie attended 179 instructional days each year for 12 years, which is equivalent to 2,148 days in school. When asked what inspired them to accomplish such a feat, they said they got hooked on trophies and incentives from when they were in elementary school. Leslie said the idea of falling behind in school by missing a day wasn’t worth it to her, so she never missed a day. He said it was completely natural for him to just be at school.
George and Leslie’s got a lot of help from their parents because any appointments that might have meant missing a day, were made instead during the weekend or after school. George had a great role model in his mom, who also held a perfect attendance record when she was in school. He is also an Eagle Scout, and has outstanding grades. Leslie is an officer for the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), and organizes community service opportunities for her group.
George plans to enlist in the Marines after graduation to serve and protect his country, and Leslie plans on going to college to get a degree in business administration.
Congratulations to George and Leslie on their amazing accomplishment. We wish them well in the future. God bless and keep George as he works to become a Marine.
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