Things I Want To Do Soon As The Coronavirus Is No Longer Life-Threatening
Here is a list of what I plan on doing once the coronavirus is no longer life-threatening.
It’s been 84 years…just kidding it’s actually been about 2 months since I’ve been isolating at home with my mom. I’m avoiding going out as much as possible and rely on online ordering or the bi-weekly store run but that’s about it.
As El Paso and most other cities across the U.S. have begun to slowly reopen I am still not too sure that it’s safe to venture out and will stick to my new (regular) schedule for now.
However, once the coronavirus is no longer life-threatening I plan on going all out to see everyone that I have missed throughout this whole ordeal.
- I plan on setting up a schedule of dinner and happy hour dates with friends – the more the merrier
- I’ve been sober for 2020 thus far as part of my every other year sober undertaking – but once this is over I plan on having a proper drink or two or maybe three
- I plan on re-booking flights to visit friends in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Mexico, and anywhere I can go – I still have flight credits on trips I had to cancel this year
- I’ll be looking forward to going to concerts – I still have my tickets to upcoming concerts including The 1975, Rage Against the Machine, Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin
- I would love to go have a nice dinner and go watch a movie with a big tub of popcorn and share it with my date
- And last but not least – I want to hug everyone! I miss hugging, hugging is my jam and as soon as this mess is over I plan on going on a hug-fest so if you see me, watch out because you’re getting hugged
While the coronavirus is far from over it’s nice to get into a positive headspace even if right now we can’t go out and do all these interactive things. For now, we must continue to social distance so that we can stay safe and healthy and wait for this pandemic to be over - sooner rather than later.
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