Me: “It’s so hot outside!” 

Anyone: “How hot is it?!”

Me: “It’s so hot you can bake bread in a mailbox!!!!”

Well, that’s according to a Houston woman who decided to do just that to prove exactly how hot it was in Houston, Texas. Or at least, we were led to believe that.

Courtesy: ABC7 Chicago via YouTube
Courtesy: ABC7 Chicago via YouTube

According to a post I saw online (which means it must be true if it was found online, duh) Houston resident, Roberta Wright, decided she would break away from the typical “cook an egg on the street” trend to show people just how hot it was outside.

The photo of Roberta pulling out what seems to be a fully baked loaf of bread from her mailbox immediately went viral with some people questioning if the photo was real or just a way to get some “Likes.”

Courtesy: Tammy Lynn Whitley
Courtesy: Tammy Lynn Whitley


Well, I decided to do some investigative research before I tried baking bread in my mailbox and it turns out, the photo wasn’t exactly what we were led to believe.

*Gasps in Spanish*

According to ABC7 in Chicago, Roberta shared the photo to have a little fun and to challenge people to “use their imagination.”

"It's the storytelling of your imagination," Wright said. "Could it get hot enough? Could the yeast rise and everything like that?"


My trust issues were already bad, now this just adds to that!

Jokes and fake photos aside, this Texas heat is no joke! Although this story was a tad bit fabricated, I’m sure there are other random things we could cook outside, other than eggs.

Brb, gonna grab that frozen pizza from my freezer to see if that will bake in time for dinner!

Courtesy: ABC7 Chicago via YouTube
Courtesy: ABC7 Chicago via YouTube

House of Pizza Turns 44



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