He’s back. And He’s making sure your little humans behave because if not, he will report to Santa that they misbehaved!

Who exactly is “He?” I’m talking about good ole’ Elf on the Shelf, the Christmas Tradition that originated from a 2005 American picture book for children which tells a Christmas-themed story, written in rhyme, that explains how Santa Claus knows who is naughty and nice.

Since then it has become a tradition that many parents have jumped on to get their children excited for the holidays but most importantly, it’s a way to make sure their little ones are behaving even when mom and dad aren’t around.

When my son was young it was a tradition that I loved doing with him every year however, there were nights where I would forget to move the Elf and I panicked that he would wake up in disappointment because the Elf didn’t move.

Since 2005 Elf on The Shelf has grown and now there are male and female versions of the Elf. Some elves even have other jobs and they like to show them off with their attire.

Courtesy: Sarah Zambrano
Courtesy: Sarah Zambrano

When Does Elf Arrive:

Well, Elf can arrive anytime after Thanksgiving, but most people like to kick off the Elf tradition on December 1st.

Elf sticks around all month long to look over your little ones. Every night when everyone at home is asleep he flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa how the kids were that day.

He flies back to the home before everyone wakes up but the best part is that Elf likes to mess around with the kids and hide around the house in hilarious and sometimes mischievous ways.

Courtesy: Country Living


Take a look at these pretty creative Elf on the Shelf ideas from a few El Paso moms:


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