TEA Gives Schools 8 Weeks Online Before Opening Classrooms To Students
With the beginning of school just a few weeks away, there won't be any fun Target ads making fun of kids being bummed out about going back to school. There probably won't be the traditional first day of school photos all over your Facebook and Instagram feed. We all know this is not going to be a traditional school year and we all know that no matter what, kids, parents, teachers, and school districts are going to have to deal with the new normal of the COVID-19 pandemic and keeping everyone safe.
Earlier this month, the Texas Education Agency said that schools could begin their school year with a 3 week online start after that 3 weeks they would have to make in-classroom teaching available for parents who wanted their kids to go back to school. Districts across the state were not happy about that and began pushing for a semester online with not classroom time at all. The TEA said that unless all students in the district could be assured online classtime, that wouldn't be allowed.
There has been a compromise of sorts made. The TEA announced that they will allow school districts to have up to 8 weeks of online learning before reopening classrooms. They will also fund districts in counties whose health authorities order only online learning.
El Paso's Health Authority, Dr. Hector Ocaranza, has said that he is not considering doing that and that he is working will all El Paso area school districts to return students to the classroom in a safe manner.
Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable sending my kids back to class, but I have a huge extended family that could help. I just hope that families are able to figure out the best situation for them and their kids. This is scary. Let's all be kind to each other.