Watch Mask Protester Get Removed From EPISD MeetingWatch Mask Protester Get Removed From EPISD MeetingIf you don't like the rules, attend school somewhere else. This kind of disruption does nothing to sway people who have no problem with masks.TriciaTricia
El Paso Judge Says Yes To Masks And No To Governor Greg AbbottEl Paso Judge Says Yes To Masks And No To Governor Greg AbbottThis isn't the end of the fight for a face mask mandate in El Paso. There will be another hearing on October 7 for a permanent injunction.TriciaTricia
El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz 'Mask Up If You're Going To Mass'El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz 'Mask Up If You're Going To Mass'There aren't going to be any other changes right now, but that doesn't mean there won't be changes further down the road.TriciaTricia
YISD Will Require Wear Face Masks Beginning FridayYISD Will Require Wear Face Masks Beginning FridayGood job YISD. You've done the right thing.TriciaTricia
El Paso Has A Mask Mandate But What's Next?El Paso Has A Mask Mandate But What's Next?You have questions, we have answers plus the word from one city rep who is fed up with her kid's school district and their stance on the mask mandate.TriciaTricia
Is A Mask Mandate Coming? EP City And County Officials Say YesIs A Mask Mandate Coming? EP City And County Officials Say YesWhile I'm all for a mask mandate, it's the loopholes that will continue to allow the spread of the virus.TriciaTricia
Private Schools In El Paso Impose Mask Mandate Private Schools In El Paso Impose Mask Mandate It sounds like a good idea and it's too bad that Abbott has made it almost impossible for public schools to do the same.TriciaTricia
Vaccinated Or Not Here's Where You Have To Wear A Mask On BlissVaccinated Or Not Here's Where You Have To Wear A Mask On BlissIf we have to mandate masks like Fort Bliss did then so be it. Good move, Fort Bliss. You keep us safe on the battlefield and by mandating masks.TriciaTricia
Mayor And County Judge Ask Tx Governor To Allow Masks In SchoolMayor And County Judge Ask Tx Governor To Allow Masks In SchoolI applaud the Mayor and County Judge for standing up for kids and speaking out for parents who don't have the ear of the Governor.TriciaTricia
No More Masks In Schools In June-EP Teachers Weigh InNo More Masks In Schools In June-EP Teachers Weigh InNext month schools can no longer require people to wear masks inside their buildings, but what do people who work inside schools think about that?TriciaTricia
Fully Vaccinated? You Can Ditch The Mask And Social DistancingFully Vaccinated? You Can Ditch The Mask And Social DistancingWhether you wear one or not, just remember, it's only a mask, not a political statement. TriciaTricia
Should EP School Districts Drop Masks? KISS FM Listeners Weigh InShould EP School Districts Drop Masks? KISS FM Listeners Weigh InMike and Tricia Mornings listeners tell us how they feel about masks in school through our free app.TriciaTricia