If energy can't be created or destroyed, then what happens to our spirit's energy or soul after we pass away? Well, this video claims to provide an answer to that question.

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Spirit Leaving Helicopter After Patient Dies

This video from 2021 is a pretty interesting one.

As the pilot takes off, something can be seen shooting out of the top of the helicopter.

According to the description, the patient being airlifted in this video reportedly passed away just as the helicopter took flight.

From christianradio.com -

"So, could the angel captured in this video be an angel helping the patient who died get to his eternal destination? As the helicopter prepares to take off, the sighting was captured on camera.

The chopper begins to lift off the ground and hover when a glowing silhouette shoots out of the helicopter before disappearing."


Soul Leaves Body Helicopter
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Does this video actually show the person's spirit ascending to the Heavens after death?

Many people on YouTube certainly believe so.

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Take a look at the video below and let us know what you think is going on.

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